Duke University | Nicholas School of the Environment
I am a doctoral student in the Marine Science and Conservation Program at Duke University. I study under Dr. Douglas Nowacek in the Nowacek Acoustics and Engineering Lab. My research focuses on assessing the size and distribution of dolphin populations in the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers of South America.
I have over ten years experience as a research analyst at the Center for Conservation Bioacoustics (CCB) at Cornell University and as a research consultant to the New England Aquarium. As an analyst and consultant, my work focused on the seasonal movements and distribution of whales and dolphins in the world's oceans and how human activities impact marine mammal populations. My research experience includes; field work, data collection, analysis, authorship of grants, peer-reviewed publications, and technical reports to state and federal governments.
Charles A. Muirhead
U.S. +1 607-339-6469
Nowacek Acoustics and Engineering Lab
Division of Marine Science and Conservation
135 Duke Marine Lab Road
Beaufort, NC 28516